Apple has recently launched it's new Macbook Pro with Retina HD Display with completely new features. The strange thing is there is no 13 inch or 17 inch version of this model and the 17 inch model of the previous Macbook Pro has been kicked off! The new Macbook Pro with Retina Display was launched during the WWDC (World Wide Developers Conference) 2012 along with iOS 6 and Mac OSX Mountain Lion. New Macbook Pro has great new specs like 512 GB Flash Storage, a 15.4 inch Retina HD Display with 2880 X 1800 pixels (awesome), Intel Core i7 Quad Core Processors, 8GB of RAM, Intel HD Graphics 4000 and NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M with 1GB of GDDR5 memory and automatic graphics switching, 720p HD Facetime Camera and all this with just a thickness of 0.71 inches and weight of 4.46 pounds. Right now the Macbook Pro Retina Display comes with Mac OSX Lion but after the launch of Mac OSX Mountain Lion it will come equipped with it. Mac OSX can be a game changer for M...