Apple have recently launched their most anticipated iPhone, iPhone 5 with a whole lot of updates in software and hardware. There were some confusions caused by the Apple Maps but I hope all the problems of the Apple Maps will be solved soon. Now, after the launch of the iPhone 5 we were now waiting for the iPad Mini a small tablet which could make the original iPad much more portable. Apple has issued some invitations for it's Media Event saying "We've got a little more to show you." This is quite strange because we have never seen Apple launching so many products in such a small interval of time. The Media Event for the iPhone 5 was done just the last month and now there is another Media Event on 23rd October which seems to be the day for the launch of iPad Mini because it is the only product left with a lot of picture leakages and foxconn leaking the manufacturing process of a smaller iPad. This event can also be the day for the launching of a new full fledged...